There’s so much I enjoy about SGA Mystery School. I enjoy the exercises, that we can take it at our own pace, the level of engagement we have as a group, the psychosocial drama therapy elements, how the dancing both brings stuff up and helps to process and integrate it. Above all, I trust you, Kellita, and the process you evoke. I like the safety of the space you create and I really like that it is in a group with other women willing to really show up. - Fatima M

The Showgirl Awakening Life Practice (aka thinly veiled mystery school) feels like the most nourishing thing I've probably ever come across. So many things that I've done before have helped prepare me for this. I've done EFT for a really long time, and been exposed to constellation work and shamanism and a lot of Feminine Empowerment kind of stuff, lots of dance. I feel like this is so potently bringing all of these separate things together. And also the sisterly community. My experience of having my sweetness ensconced in a way that it can really gently blossom is nourishing me on a really deep level. - Amy P

The mystery school is a place where whatever is going on for you will not only be acknowledged but welcomed!  I have never known any other space where I can turn up and say exactly what is on my mind, and no one tries to fix it, or tell me I shouldn't feel that way, but instead I am received exactly as I am.  From that place of pure acceptance a true freedom arises.  It's difficult to capture in words, it truly has to be felt for yourself.
- Suzanne C

I want to name the embodied experience of the circle and the support in being in our authenticity and how I experience this. How I experience just being seen and witnessed. It’s been really potent. There’s an alchemy in this Mystery School that I have trouble describing, and that I so appreciate. - Sandra V

Kellita teaches so much more than dance.
This intensive is designed specifically for women who want to explore a transformative modality that reconnects them to their bodies, their sensuality, and what it means to be an empowered woman.
- Amberetta

It’s like a decolonization for your eyes. The world has taught us to look at things from a particular lens, and this is the antidote to that lens. So much of our lives we have been gaslit, sometimes to the point where we think to ourselves ‘the experience that I feel, do I even feel it? Is it really mine?’. Kellita's work is the antidote to gaslighting, it is learning how to self-trust, to take off those glasses of judgment and misguided perfectionism, and learn how to see yourself and others, anew. It's a life-altering playground to explore new states of being, to make choices about them, and to include them when and as we would like – it's the alchemy of experience. - Lady V

Kellita’s work is the most amazing healing for going from body shame, to body acceptance, to body love. I highly recommend it. - Veritas Valour

This experience has affected every kind of aspect of my life. On the professional side more confidence, more knowing and ownership of my own gifts that I'm bringing. And as I've been doing this work and creating acts, it transforms the way that I navigate the world. It changes how I'm able to show up. I've been starting my own business and creating more freedom in my personal life. And I'm getting depth of connection with humans I hadn't been able to. A lot of these changes in my life are because I have been able to experience what it feels to expand my own presence a little bit more. And because I'm able to do that in this container of burlesque from the inside out, it gives me more agency to be able to do that in other areas of my life. And so I'm doing that in my professional world. I'm doing that in my relationships with friends and family and partners - Phoebe Phoenix

I’ve met so many teachers in my life and you are different.
You’re great in creating safe spaces and a feeling of sisterhood, womanhood, grouphood.
- Awakening Showgirl

The other thing I wanted to share is that through this BIO, I truly felt and appreciated the beauty in all of you. Body, mind, and soul beauty. In the past it just felt that I should see everyone as beautiful. But now I feel the absolute truth of it. - Bingz H

In my 30 years as a practitioner of healing, I have found it’s rare that individuals synthesize ancient wisdom in truly new and inspiring ways, but Kellita's work, through Showgirl Awakening, does exactly that so beautifully. I'm nourished by the way she shares her deepest insights, gained from all of her very rich experiences, and shares them with us in a way that is so light, so playful and so resonant that she makes it really easy for us to access the potential in us that she can see and is leading us towards. Radiant work Kellita. Thank you so much. - Jenny S

Your balance of safe space is very effective. I have participated in some events where a safe space allows one to remain right where they’re stuck, right where they were when they came in. Your safe space allows for courageous movement. Really, really craftily balanced. - Sunny D

Thank you thank you thank you.
What an elixir of sweet humans and magic.
Thank you for all you have given and your encouragement and humor.  I am not a group person- I never feel like I fit in and this is the first time I have not felt that… and it has a lot to do with what you have created.

I feel seen which has been an issue I have dealt with my entire life - Miracle of miracles. Many blessings to you! Xo - Tralala

Experiencing Burlesque from the Inside Out has been life transforming. I have found through the support of Kellita and the broader group as well, a connection to myself, a connection to my soul that I didn't even know I had access to. And it will change the way that I'm able to navigate the rest of my life, because I have a level of ownership for myself, love for myself, knowing that I matter. And I matter because I care that I matter, and I know that because that was reflected back to me through Kellita and the group. Me just showing up and being me and having that, and just being accepted in that space. - Leslie H-C

I felt playful and joyous. I didn't have to fit into a box to be accepted. Didn't have to be the good girl to be loved. Didn't have to live by a certain set of standards of being submissive and docile and not having an opinion. I could just be free. I could shake my butt. I could extend my hands. I could shake my titties and it was fine. I didn't have to pretend that I'm not a woman. I didn't have to pretend that I didn’t have this beautiful gorgeous body. And I didn't have to feel ashamed of it. - Bubbly Jiggle Puff

I do think anyone could do this. I think there are certain types of humans who may be drawn to this work more than others. I think that humans carry so much shame. Shame around the way that we talk, shame around the way that we look, shame around the way that we interact with each other. And any opportunity to be able to strip away layers of that shame, like literally strip it away, this for me, the act of creating an act and then intentionally standing in myself and stripping away the pieces that I have that I no longer want to carry and being witnessed in that, is life-changing for me. Anyone who wants that experience: yes, yes, yes, yes. Anyone can. - Phoebe Phoenix

I just completed my first series of “Burlesque…From the Inside Out” and I LOVED it. So much care and attention is paid to the creative process and helping each Dancer find their intentions for their work. Kellita is a combination of nurturing mother and cheer-leading big sister, she is curious, thoughtful, and communicative. I am eagerly looking forward to working with her again. This experience has improved my life in ways I haven’t realized yet. I feel like I woke up! Part of me has been dormant for a while and I love meeting myself again. - Glitter Done

I can feel the universe deeply at work through your teachings, there is much serendipity and magical timing and rightness, that it's clear to me that your teachings have been part of really helping me on the path back to being able to breathe, and for that my soul is very grateful. - Awakening Showgirl

When I say I'm not a group person, I swear it's true. Really, you’ve made it so, so not the case. Which is so unusual. I've done a lot of things; I'm old. I've done a lot of things and never felt as held and comfortable. So bless you all, seriously serious blessings! And Kellita, thank you for making all of this happen. - Laura D

I was so sad in the beginning of BIO for not loving my body.  It makes me sad now to talk about it. It’s nice now to not take it so seriously. My body hasn’t changed. It’s just nice to not take it so seriously. It makes me not take myself so seriously, and then I can have more connection.  It’s so nice.
- Awakening Showgirl

I think of my first opportunity to experience this process and this space and this circle and being able to be Seen and see others and it was like, I don’t know, like the veil was lifted or a new perspective … I don’t know what the right language is because I think that words so fucking tricky to navigate, at least that’s my experience of them.  There’s a tenderness and there’s an acknowledgment and I wanna say sweetness and safety in this space and it’s like I can’t get enough of it. I can’t get enough of me and I can’t get enough of the other women who show up in this space to do the same: to reveal to themselves first all of the magical being that they are and then to be able to witness that process and see it.  It just adds layers and layers into - again, I don’t have the words - into the experience of what this is and I just thank you so much sharing and reaching out, and for all of you for this space that we held together and has forever marked me in a way that I just hold and cherish.  So thank you, thank you, thank you. - Leslie H-C

I feel like you, Kellita, and this BIO group, have an inclusiveness that is a meta-inclusiveness for the group and for women. But then for me, it's also an inclusiveness, it’s like a template for me to not have to reject parts of myself. To not reject my intellect, not reject my vulnerability, not reject my insecurity, not reject my belly, not reject whatever I'm tripping on body-wise. It's not just a thing to reach for.  It’s so real. It's something that's actually there. You've helped ground me. You've helped me not have to get rid of aspects of myself, for example my thinking, which was at first was a lot of overthinking. But actually it wasn't overthinking. It just took time to integrate.

And there's paradox, because there were also times when you totally supported me in not thinking, like when you were saying to not think about the costume. What I'm saying is you're very holistic and what you hold and what you offer is very real. And it's hard to explain it to people. If people are reaching for this, hopefully they'll find you. I can't thank you enough. It's been really wonderful. - Awakening Showgirl

I’ve never been this happy in my life.
- Tova M

It’s hard to describe Being SEEN on your own terms: Burlesque as a PsychoSpiritual practice in words, as it’s something you need to feel and experience.  By the end of the workshop, I had a sense – and it felt like we all had this sense – that by the gift of our very presence, we’re helping other people meet their needs. We not only became aware of what we wanted to feel, but we felt that fully, we embodied that. If you’ve been hearing this buzz word “embodiment,” and want to to explore it, then take this workshop.  You will leave embodying the quality you most want to experience in yourself and at the same time help others, just by expressing your delicious energy. - Zahra E

My daughter the other day, she said to me, ‘Mama, you're the most fearless person – the most most fearless woman – I know.

For me that was confirming  that all this stuff that I've been doing – including BIO – was in part so she has a model other than what we've been told.  So instead of being submissive, she might claim her space and not be afraid. And I was so glad that she thought that. I hope that she remembers it when she goes out and has challenges of her own. Thank you for helping me be that fearless woman. - Bubbly Jiggle Puff

Last January, at the worst, most terrible height of my postpartum depression I did something that a lot of people might find kind of strange: I created and performed a burlesque solo. This was not my first burlesque solo, but the timing was such that I could barely do anything else. I was too anxious to work, too anxious to eat, too anxious to sleep. I was struggling to take care of Sylvie and myself, and yet, somehow I found it within myself to create and perform this solo.

To be honest, I felt guilty. How could I neglect my business and my family, how could I ask my husband for so much help and then trot off to class every Monday night and dance around without my clothes on? How could I struggle so hard to stay present with my perfect, beautiful, miracle of a baby, but somehow always manage to hand over my troubles to the creative process of dance? I felt like what I was doing was indulgent. Frivolous. Silly.

Now, I see it so very differently. Now I am grateful that the women in that room were there to hold me up when nobody else in my life knew how to. I'm grateful that there was a place in my life where nobody turned away from my sadness or expected it to be different, a place where I was allowed to just dance my pain and have it reflected back to me as beautiful and worthy. Mostly, I'm grateful to myself. To the self within myself that was wise enough to know what I needed, to see a glimmer of hope and just keep showing up to chase it even when I felt guilty and scared and undeserving.

This clip is from my first night of rehearsal, the very first time I ever danced this piece. The piece I created was mostly improvised and evolved over the course of our rehearsals, so it never looked like this again. I think this is maybe the moment I'm the most proud of in all of 2018. The moment I showed up for myself. The moment I showed up for the beginning of my healing. - Kira Royale

A client of mine, Kellita Maloof, does extraordinary work with women. She, somehow, combines Burlesque theatre with deep inner work. I've had the pleasure to work with her for a year and a half and am continually awed by the depth and breadth of her perspective and approach to her work. If you've felt drawn to doing something outrageous, to glitter, or you've done years of inner meditation work and feel drawn to performance as another terrifying layer of inner work, I commend you into the keeping of this good woman. This little film, which I finally watched for the first time today, features the stories and journeys of four women who took her program. So much beauty here. - Tad H

Being a part of Burlesque…From the Inside Out (6+ x’s) has changed my life for the much better! This program (for female identifying people) is part dance/group therapy, part spiritual growth, and part joyful, sensual self-love. Plus, you’ll end up with an outstanding, personally crafted solo number. I highly recommend this! - Bella B

I saw another burlesque show recently. It was a combo of electronic music and burlesque dancers.
The dancers had gorgeous bodies and moved well, yet ultimately I was bored.
SO unlike you and your students, who bring this incredible INNER LIFE, humor and intelligence to the stage.
- Jane G

If you are searching for a way to FIND and EMBRACE your femininity and expression, you MUST try one of Kellita’s offerings! She is so loving and kind and gentle and a wonderful teacher.
She will gently COAX out of hiding the amazing beautiful glorious flower that you are, that has retreated into hiding due to the inhospitable (to the feminine) culture in which we are living. - Kim G

I am in a calm place and feeling a clear sense of more ‘freedom’ within me, which is very nice. I am enjoying those subtle sensations and remembering they are part of the ‘limitation removal service’ that was this whole experience! 😉 There’s more ‘light’ in here, more room, more space. You’re not part of the Sanitation Dept, you’re part of the Sanity Nation Department (or Sanititillation Department?) 🙂 Kellita’s Limitation Removal Service, ha ha ha ha ha. - Sunny D

Last week I performed a show with an amazing group of ladies. The piece I performed was to a 70’s kraut rock song and was inspired by snakes who shed their skins to emerge stronger, larger and healthier and by the idea of letting go completely. In the last years my body has undergone changes, i’ve gotten soft where there once was muscle and i worry now about the loss of “attractiveness” as i get older and about being seen when less than perfect.

Then i saw this picture and thought, “Damn, I look shiny and powerful as fuck!!!” I think this may be what the world needs now more than ever, for each of us to be imperfect but shiny and powerful. Thank you @kellitatheshowgirlshaman for all you have taught me and much love to my showgirl sisters and Jeff Spirer for taking wonderful photos. #showgirlawakening #snaked #shinyandpowerful - Kathy W

I’ve been meaning to create and perform a burlesque solo for years, but never followed through with it. Kellita’s Burlesque from the Inside out program finally made it possible. I couldn’t have created and performed a burlesque solo without the structure, the feedback and, most importantly, the love that suffused this class. - Joy Ryde

Thank you so much Kellita for being the warm, compassionate, insightful mentor and friend to all of “your girls.” I loved the show and the progression I have seen in Katy Bella, Cherish, and others. Bella was a little nervous about me seeing her perform to the “Bitch” song. She needn’t have been. She has kept that side locked up long enough. I much prefer seeing her with attitude and strutting her stuff than being a doormat and being trampled on. I celebrate with her where she is and the journey she is on. My intention was joy and I felt that throughout the show. I was especially touched by Bella’s performance. I appreciate that you taught us to anchor a special feeling. Bella taught me how to reclaim it the next day. Seeing Bella celebrate herself and her body by showing it without the tease and with that gorgeous cape was exquisite and really struck a chord with me. I just bought a ticket to the April 1 show and can hardly wait to come back for more. I was sitting where I could see you being the stage Mama to all of the performers. It was a special blessing to me to see your love and excitement for each of them as they expressed themselves in remarkable ways. Your newbies are an amazing testament to you and your very good work. - Mama Badonkadonk (mother of Bella B)

Kellita makes you feel like an experienced dancer, even if you aren’t! She knows bodies and how to break things down in order to express the pure, simple dance lines that are naturally in your body and it will feel GOOD. Like coming home to your own personal sparkly palace. - Lil Lionheart

It doesn’t matter what you look like…it’s all about your confidence and how you are inside and that’s what makes you beautiful…I think everybody in society days that, but dancing with these women has taught me to believe that… - Sharon B

WEEEEEEEEE OHHHH GEEEEEE AHHHHH!!!!!! I will be living off this performance high for weeks!!!!!! Ohhhhh my goodness, thank you THANK YOU to all who came out to support me tonight!!!!!! And to my AMAZING and TALENTED and BRAVE fellow soloists and showgirl awakening beings!!! I could not be more thrilled with the experience of presence and joy I had sharing my ferocious vixen self with you all tonight!!!! - Lola Bodylove

Ultimately I am re-learning what it means to trust mySelf, love and appreciate and respect mySelf for who I am and that is what matters most. This is what I am integrating at this present moment with this precious new moon and one month after my coming out as my budding congruent self. - Amanda S

This whole process is so much more than I ever imagined.
My breakdown was a breakthrough.

- Joey B

Thank YOU Kellita for guiding me through those magical one and a half hours. I guess, I have never heard my inner voice speaking so loud and clear like today. - Tina W

I can tell you a day with you has changed my life. I love me more. Thank you. You are the beginning of my Journey to Self love. - Pamina F

Thanks for not looking at me any differently than the size 2 next to me. It says a lot about the energy you exude and attract that none of the other girls did either. - Maddie Licious

Thanks to myself for allowing myself to be who I am. Thanks to my whole surrounding for giving me this space and respecting me for it. And thank you Kellita, my dear burlesque friend and ‘Showgirl Awakening Shaman’, who taught me this way of living!

I have had the honor to be part of a 5 month long participation of Kellita’s Showgirl Awakening Program and this is what I have to tell you about it: Kellita’s work is through and through amazing. It absolutely changed my life to the better. It makes the colours more solid, the sweets more delicious, life and yourself – more beautiful and more meaningful. Are you ready to get in contact with your true radiant being? Then you are ready for Kellita’s Showgirl Awakening!!! - Koko La Douce

I’m not a “joiner,” most of my friends are men, and I suck at maintaining friendships with other women, and even though my best friend is a professional life coach and I edit all of her stuff, I’ve always found the concept hokey.

But this – YOU – came into my life at the right moment, and I really like the way everything you do comes from a place of caring and vulnerability, but with fun and humor mixed in.

It felt organic and mindful and honest, and I found myself responding to it even on days when I really didn’t want to.

So, thank you. I’m really glad I took the chance. - Melissa B

To walk into a sisterhood was amazing…
This is empowerment on a much bigger scale
than I ever could have thought…
It’s like sexy on your own terms.
- Zoe Y

I’m so grateful to be a part of The Showgirl Awakening experience. It came to me at the time when I was finally (after 36 years!) beginning to feel love for myself, especially my body. I had dreams I was convinced were impossible, and now they’ve started coming. Learning from you and dancing with you is a huge one!

You are a fantastic teacher! So patient and loving, I have felt myself grow in self confidence and radiance. I finally feel able to work on releasing some very deep, painful childhood memories which I’ve let dominate my life. In your class, I’ve been able to tap into my inner strength to forgive myself and release so much pent up sadness.

I danced and performed a lot as a child but stopped suddenly. It feels so amazing to my body and soul to be dancing and performing again! I’m grateful to you for the part you’ve played in me feeling at home with myself and in my body. For years I couldn’t even look at myself in a mirror. - Bella B

This is a life experience that will bring out a beauty that you may not have known you possessed. - Nasrin E