Join a sisterhood of highly sensitive women on a journey to embody their radiance and create a life that is their own exquisite work of art.
6-month Online Circle
Already know you’re interested? Apply now >
* limited to 12 participants *

For millenia, mystery schools have existed as circles for humans to both raise and deepen their level of consciousness to take the next steps of psychospiritual evolution together.
They exist for people who long to have the profound experience of embodying both authentic aliveness and meaningful belonging while we’re still in our meatsuits, during this incarnation.
The Showgirl Awakening Mystery School is an online sisterhood where you will experience “The Mystery” at work, incorporate the Showgirl Awakening three pillars of Reveling, Revealing and Receiving into your day-to day-life, and use the same principles for creating art, for creating your life as your work of art.
In Mystery School, we catalyze emotional and spiritual healing through creating, rather than fixing.

Imagine for a moment that you are an artist, and your life is your magnum opus.
In front of you is a canvas. A chance to create something new. With your brush in hand, and a set of colors to choose from …
What vision would you love to bring to life? What colors would you use to materialize the vision within?
Because your life is that vision.
You have the power to co-create your life with The Mystery, and receive what you desire in ways you've not yet experienced.
Mystery School was created for women who are struggling with their painting. Either they have been waiting to begin because they have been caught up in the tides of life and felt powerless to chart their path, or they have begun and are having trouble enjoying what they’ve created so far.
Mystery School is for women who have been holding the brush for everyone else, and have neglected their own work of art. It’s for women who want to savor the colors, be nourished by the sensations and bring to life the experiences they have longed for.
Mystery School is a sisterhood designed to offer you the inclusion you have so kindly offered others.
Mystery School invites you on a pilgrimage to embody your true, radiant nature and create a beautiful life that you can be present to enjoy.

Embody your radiance.
Create the life you desire.
These statements may not sound like much. They might sound like platitudes. Or too simple.
But they are everything.
And everything hinges on expanding your ability to Revel, Reveal, and Receive.
Allow me to explain …
In Mystery School, we layer the principles of art, neuroscience, somatic healing, magic and mysticism. You will experience and explore both Newtonian and quantum approaches to transformation, including Family Constellation work. All of the ingredients you need to transform your life into your own exquisite work of art.
And like all offerings within Showgirl Awakening - we view everything through the lens of the “3 R’s”, as we call them …
“It’s like a decolonization for your eyes. The world has taught us to look at things from a particular lens, and this is the antidote to that lens. So much of our lives we have been gaslit, sometimes to the point where we think to ourselves ‘the experience that I feel, do I even feel it? Is it really mine?’. Kellita's work is the antidote to gaslighting, it is learning how to self-trust, to take off those glasses of judgment and misguided perfectionism, and learn how to see yourself and others, anew. It's a life-altering playground to explore new states of being, to make choices about them, and to include them when and as we would like -- it's the alchemy of experience.” - Lady V

If you’ve participated in any of my programs you will have heard of these before - for our new Awakening Showgirls however, let’s dive a little deeper into their meaning …
Revel (In Your Body)
In order to experience the life you desire, you need to re-learn how to experience life.
Many women aren’t as in touch with their emotions as they think – because they’ve never been given the space to truly FEEL.
When you Revel you are able to truly accept, appreciate, and respect your feelings, and in so doing you unlock the ability to access your body’s wisdom.
Make decisions more easily because you can hear your soul, spirit, intuition and instinct by noticing the feelings and sensations in your body.
Feel safe having whole feelings and completing them rather than keeping them in and causing dis-ease in your body, mind and heart.
Open the door to truly being yourself and experiencing life the way you’re meant to.
Reveal (Your Radiant Essence)
So often we go through life wearing a mask. We make decisions according to the expectations and desires of others. We dim our very presence in order to be socially accepted. And along the way, it’s easy to forget you’re wearing a mask at all, and you lose your sense of self.
If anyone is going to ever truly know you (including yourself), you must learn to allow yourself to be seen.
When you remove your masks, and Reveal your authentic self you open the door for deeper, more satisfying connections.
Learn how to stop hiding and editing yourself because being seen actually feels safe.
Feel and experience aliveness where your senses and feelings have been dulled up until now.
Continue to become more yourself as you allow others to see you.
Receiving (What You Desire)
Receiving attention. Taking up space. Prioritizing your needs. Feeling deserving of pleasure.
All of these concepts are foreign and uncomfortable to many highly sensitive women. In fact, using the word “uncomfortable” is probably the understatement of the century!
Expanding your ability to Receive means learning how to have, consume, enjoy everything your life has to offer without apology or dimming of your needs and desires.
Experience nervous system capacity upgrades to create and receive all you desire.
Allow yourself to experience pleasure without punishing yourself or apologizing.
Take up space physically and energetically, knowing you matter and belong on the most fundamental level.
When these Keys are exercised and applied together, when we Revel in our Bodies while Revealing our Radiant Essences to loving witnesses skilled in the art of truly SEE-ing another human, remarkable transformations occur. Our capacity to genuinely Receive ourselves expands and our souls are welcomed to incarnate more fully in our bodies.

Before we go further, allow me to share a little secret…
I wish I hadn’t created Showgirl Awakening.
I wish that it had already existed, so I could have experienced it 30 years ago.
Instead I took it upon myself to create the thing I could not find in my world.
Most women come to me because with each passing year, they’re feeling more tired, more invisible, and less and less like themselves.
Here are a few reason that this happens:
They Over-Give: They can explain, in detail, what their mother, sister, lover, friend, employer all want/need/require, and are personally handling those needs like a seasoned juggler, but they are not sure of what exactly they want, or are too afraid to admit it, even to themselves. Their real needs are hard to discern at this point, let alone their desires, but they feel the constant nagging weight of them remaining unfulfilled.
They Feel Like a Shadow: They feel dull, like a shadow of themselves. It feels very, very much like they are having someone else’s experience, that they are living someone else’s life. They’ve been staying in a job they hate for far too long. While they’re busy taking care of business and others, their sense of deep belonging is about as numb as the rest of them.
They Can’t Stick With Things: they can’t seem to stay focused on what they want long enough to gain traction and so it seems like they just lack willpower or gumption, or that they ‘self-sabotage’. They often let themselves be interrupted when they are working on the thing most meaningful to them.
They Feel Guilty For Enjoying Life: When they do get what they want, they struggle to actually enjoy it. Worry and guilt for feeling pleasure has become a way of life. Their receiving and savoring muscles are underdeveloped.
They Stay Quiet and Hesitate Until It’s Too Late: At work, they have ideas to contribute, but keep to themselves. When it’s time to share their input at home, work or with friends, they deliberate so long, wanting to say exactly what they mean, that by the time they’re ready to speak, it’s too late and the group has gone on to something else.
They Suffer In Relationships: they’re having trouble choosing partners that are a good match and they feel ashamed when they text their girlfriends to complain that ‘it happened again!’.
They’re At War With Themselves : They feel at war with their bodies, and at war with themselves. They feel alone in their personal and spiritual growth, and, even if they don’t know how to articulate it yet, long to dive into their journey of ensoulment in sweet community.
Whatever the situation that brings them in, despite years of therapy, yoga, positive thinking, and any number of self-care methods, these women are still in pain from resisting the true vision of their life.
“The Mystery School is a place where whatever is going on for you will not only be acknowledged but welcomed! I have never known any other space where I can turn up and say exactly what is on my mind, and no one tries to fix it, or tell me I shouldn't feel that way, but instead I am received exactly as I am. From that place of pure acceptance a true freedom arises. It's difficult to capture in words, it truly has to be felt for yourself. ” - Suzanne C

So What’s Going On?:
Most of these women were born “highly sensitive” (In fact, 20% of the population is born genetically highly sensitive).
This means, they were born without the basic boundaries that the more hardy 80% of humans are born with.
And if we, highly sensitive ones, are to develop those boundaries, we have to learn them. And often, before we learn how to have our own authentic boundaries, we experience traumas of various kinds, which only underscore our highly sensitive traits.
And these traumas are not necessarily Boom Boom Trauma (the BIG traumas that you remember changing your life or how you looked at the world), which is more acknowledged than its sly sister, Drip Drip Trauma (the seemingly small every-day traumas, such as criticism and judgment from those around you or not being acknowledged or seen as who you are and how you feel, that gradually change the way you see yourself, express yourself, and navigate the world).
The combination of being highly sensitive and having experienced drip drip – and often boom boom – trauma has impaired, injured and ruptured our ‘right to exist’ and ‘right to need.’
This is why I created Showgirl Awakening - and more specifically: Mystery School.

Showgirl Awakening Mystery School
A not-so-secret sisterhood for highly sensitive women making the journey from frozen, invisible, and collapsing to embodied, seen and sovereign.

While I’ve become well known for my Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) work, what is less known about me is the amount of time (and money) I’ve spent learning from other teachers who are leaders in the field of how “humans actually work,” how they genuinely integrate change, heal from trauma, and create what they desire.
I’ve long noticed that, at the end of Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) programs, participants longed for the container to continue; for a space and time to take the tools, concepts, and practices further. And most of all for a way to continue, holding space for and seeing each other in the special way that we do in Showgirl Awakening circles.
All of these experiences are what lead me to creating Mystery School.
Showgirl Awakening itself is a culmination of the 20+ years of practice not only of dance, art and conscious burlesque, it’s also simmered together with all of the following work with organizations that I consider to be, themselves, thinly veiled mystery schools.
We combine everything I’ve learned while facilitating deep and lasting transformation through the teaching of body-based art and communication, infused with teachings I’ve received from:
Wisdomkeeper Angeles Arrien who has respectfully synthesized indigenous and perennial wisdom practices from around the world to become accessible for folks not born into them.
Jessica Murray of Mothersky who taught me not predictive astrology but rather, how to decode the archetypes of the stars as the way to see deeper into the Mystery of exactly who a person is – and who they are evolving to be.
The founders of InterPlay who taught me their concepts of Body Intellectual and the Physicality of Grace that allows me to access my own body’s wisdom, and facilitate others’ accessing theirs all the time.
Ane Axford of Sensitive Leadership proposed that Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is reversed for Highly Sensitive Persons which blew my mind and has tracked SO well with my and my clients’ experiences.
Sonya Sophia’s School of Living Arts where I learned Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and was invited to share her mission of healing child abuse and neglect, and the war between sexes using this instrumental technique.
NLP Marin – a mystery school in its own right – facilitated my ability to SEE myself and others by truly unlearning and relearning how to be human.
Carl Buccheit, Carla Camou, Elena Veselago, Michelle Masters and Sarah Peyton mentored me in the art of Systemic and Family Constellations which is the quantum and physical place where personal, interpersonal, intergenerational and systemic change occurs. This has allowed me much more direct access to acknowledge the unspoken and unseen so I can help facilitate the change and healing in even the most painful human predicaments.
Sarah Peyton of Empathy Brain gifted me with her approach of applying interpersonal neurobiology in a practical sense that rests on her knowing that the path to healing our brains is to greet our bodies and experience with resonance.
I could go on and on; I have been on this journey for decades and have encountered many teachers and participated in other thinly veiled mystery schools - and I’ve created my own container to bring these teachings to YOU so you can embody your radiant essence and create (and experience) the life you desire.
“I want to name the embodied experience of the circle and the support in being in our authenticity and how I experience this. How I experience just being seen and witnessed. It’s been really potent. There’s an alchemy in this Mystery School that I have trouble describing, and that I so appreciate.” - Sandra V

Through SGA Mystery School, you will treat your life as your work of art, and begin to:
Experience your life like an interactive event, rather than something that happens to you
Feel the joy of allowing yourself to acknowledge your own preferences & express yourself, with Confidence
Allow yourself to be seen--by yourself & the women who share this journey with you
Enjoy – perhaps for the first time ever – the experience of belonging to yourself & having friendship with yourself
Access genuine Intimacy with yourself & others
Feel Confidence & Freedom to reach out to Life, and have what you want without feeling guilty or ashamed
Feel Calmness & Centeredness no matter what is going on in life. Women typically report feeling present and in control despite chaotic external events occurring at work, in public, in relationships, and in the world
Feel Sensual Pleasure & Play within your body. You’ll experience what it truly is to feel expressed as life in a body
Enjoy Connectedness & Community with like-minded and like-hearted women on the path of self-discovery and personal growth
Know how to enjoy the Power & Creativity inherent in existing a human being, as being Life in a body
Access both your Agency & your innate sense of Belonging so you can make decisions that support you and feel at peace about it
Know how to – incrementally & respectfully – transform conditioning that has kept you editing yourself to not rock the boat of your family, social, love &/or work life, while honoring yourself & all your relationships
Learn how to love yourself
Enjoy being you

Using the Showgirl Awakening kit of transformational modalities, you will learn and implement the art of being authentically YOU and claim your place as the creational authority in your life.
More importantly, you will do it without making yourself wrong for the ways things have been. What was and is considered “in” the way, will be adjusted to be “on” the way.
With my style of facilitation, no action or experience in your life is considered wasted. It is respected as learning, feedback, and an opportunity to re-create life anew.
REVEL and respect how you have created your life to be now, whether pleasing or painful
REVEAL the new choices that are right in front of you for the taking
RECEIVE the new choices as you expand in life, and continue to refine your precious art-form called life
If you are ready to pick up the brush and paint your life just the way you want it.
This could be perfect for you.

You are invited to join :
Mystery School is a living, breathing, emergent program that responds to who is in the group and what feels juicy as we go along.
Seven Key Things You’ll Get When You Sign Up ...
1. A sisterhood of up to 12 luminary women (plus me, so 13! a veritable coven ;)
This kind of alchemy needs an intimate and dedicated circle. With an experienced and trustworthy guide.
2. Live, Video Meetings: 90-minute sessions twice a month
During these sessions we:
Express Embodied Intentions (much like we do in BIO)
Practice witnessing others and being SEEN ourselves
Deepen your practice of the 3 R’s of Showgirl Awakening
Do constellation work to resolve stucknesses + traumas, including intergenerational
Engage in exercises that will help you notice and receive information as well as process and heal through the experience of your body
Explore practical applications of neuroscience, metaphysics, and the Venusian arts.
Use the raw material of your life to improvise and create art
Learn how to use your body as an oracle to know what to do and how to be
Discover the 12 SGA Frames and how to apply them to all areas of your life
And much more! - it’s impossible to convey all of the beautiful and healing work we do together.
3. Access to the Mystery School App
In the app you’ll receive moments of inspiration from Kellita as well as communicate with other members allowing you to continue to share, reflect, and receive as you embody your learning in your day-to-day life.
4. Unlimited Access to SEEN Workshops ($900 value)
You’ll have complimentary access to our monthly live SEEN workshops.
5. Showgirl Awakening Oracle & Learning Deck (not for sale elsewhere, so priceless!)
A sweet companion on this journey as you’re practicing transformational movement, learning about archetypes, and living into the 3 R’s and the 12 frames. As of right now the only way to get a copy of this beautiful 52 card deck is through Mystery School.
6. First Dibs on Showgirl Awakening retreats and programs
As a member of this inner circle you’ll have first-dibs on seats in Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) and retreats and other offerings.
7. Access to book 1:1 coaching with Kellita
I don’t book 1:1’s outside of a program. Participating in Mystery School makes you eligible for 1:1’s if you so desire!
Now is your time to decide - are you being called to this work?
Right now, you are standing at a pivotal crossroad in your life.
The moment where you decide if you are going to continue to wear your mask, over-edit yourself, and submerge your radiant essence in the expectations of others, or if you’re going to grab your artist’s palette and create your life as your own custom, handmade work of art!
If your answer is a resounding – or even a timid – “Yes”, then your next step is to join the reservation list.
When you click the button below you’ll be taken to a short application so I can get to know you a bit more.

“The Showgirl Awakening Life Practice (aka thinly veiled mystery school) feels like the most nourishing thing I've probably ever come across. So many things that I've done before have helped prepare me for this. I've done EFT for a really long time, and been exposed to constellation work and shamanism and a lot of Feminine Empowerment kind of stuff, lots of dance. I feel like this is so potently bringing all of these separate things together. And also the sisterly community. My experience of having my sweetness ensconced in a way that it can really gently blossom is nourishing me on a really deep level.” - Amy P

What Do I Mean By ‘Showgirl’?
My definition of a showgirl:
As I see it, rather than a showgirl being a dancer who wears fringe and feathers, she is a woman who generously reveals her unique, radiant essence – which may include her wearing fringe and feathers in a show.
And how does she reveal her radiant essence? By actually being AT HOME in her body, regardless of what she’s wearing and however she’s moving or not.
And why is it generous to reveal her radiant essence? By being present in her body and naturally radiating her unique essence – she inspires her sisters to do the same.
For much of my life, I’ve been consciously aware that something precious lived at the intersection of Embodied Performance Art, Psyche and Spirit.
Boom Boom Trauma vs Drip Drip Trauma
When we think of trauma, most often we’re consciously referencing boom boom trauma, rather than drip drip trauma. These terms beg definition:
Boom Boom Trauma is when something happens that has a date and a location. For example, my house burned down on April 2, 1992, in Seattle. Or, I was sexually assaulted on the, on the 19 of December, 2001 in Santa Rosa (both made up). It’s clear. Life was one way, something happened, and life was noticeably different afterwards. That’s boom boom.
Drip Drip Trauma is when every second of every day, it’s not safe to BE you. It’s very hard to track because it’s the whole forest that doesn’t see you. It’s very hard to put your finger on. It sends me, it sends us, into this really trance-y area. But it’s the trance that we don’t know we are in until we leave it. Until then, we can’t see how UNSEEN we are.
How do our instincts become injured in this way that prevents us from seeing how unseen we are? From unacknowledged, unintegrated, untransmuted generational trauma and dis-ease/disease.
When babies are born they love their parents – and all their ancestors, regardless of whether they know their names or not, including the most scoundrelly of them. Children tend to be the clearing house for all the pain, loss, suffering, longing, grief, terror, rage, loneliness, hopelessness, censorship and despair of those who they come from, those who came before them. And guess what the success rate is of that mission? Zero, that’s right: Zilch.
Babies have a choice: try to win a sure-to-lose battle to soothe and relieve their parents’ and ancestors’ above named medley of agony or claim their birthright to live as a fully expressed human. When we’re focused on option A – which at first we all are – we tie our hands from realizing option B. When we move towards Option B, which involves individuating not only from our immediate family, but also individuating from our ancestral lineage, it ironically is the only way we can truly honor those very ancestors and take what they have given us: Life.
All humans have the authority, capability and right to live in rapport with Life, to fully experience and express their radiant, never-to-be-repeated, stardust essence living in a body. Claiming our right to exist and right to need is a guilty state, and we so desire to be innocent. It’s only by accepting the guilty state of existing, of needing and of desiring and living into our vision for ourselves that we ironically do honor our ancestors and honor Life.
What does creating a burlesque solo from the inside out have to do with healing intergenerational trauma? Everything. It’s one avenue, one practice that I know from my own experience and that of my mentees over the last two decades, that can provide this elusive marriage of Full Human Self Expression and Freedom, with Safety and Belonging. Being seen and mirrored on our own terms by those capable of seeing us is a key element in this movement. We begin to recognize that we do not die when we allow someone else to see our Radiant Essence, and we can allow even more of ourselves to show up.