The power of being SEEN: Burlesque as a healing way home to yourself

What they're saying about this TEDx talk ::

“Thank you, Kellita. I see you and the ripe, beautiful fruits of your healing path you so generously and genuinely offer to all. What a gorgeous tribute to the work or your heart and soul. Thank you for becoming the mother, the leader, the goddess you needed and we all need to show us the way home and help us understand how to be home in our bodies, minds & spirits in a way that nourishes us. Stunning work. A retrospective of seeing through the eyes of your heart.” - Abby Kojola

"Kellita your words alone are so very healing. I've watched this talk through more than once and I take something different away from it each time. I love how you bring such high level concepts into the every day language, so they can be understood and metabolised. "Drip Drip trauma is healed through the balm of relationship." so much YES! So many of us are scared to speak and share and be seen, and through your work we can realise that we are not alone and together we heal” - Suzanne Culberg

“This is so satisfying to witness, dear Kellita. I'm shedding tears of joy as I watch you share your empowering, empathetic, and loving perspective and vision. Thank you for verbalizing and embodying this in full integrity. Thank you for celebrating my online burlesque showcase as I showed up in a bright pink Hello Kitty T shirt and baby blue sweatpants as I embody my intentions of Softness, Longing, and Kickassery. Thank you for teaching and facilitating this creative and empowering structure of Burlesque Inside Out, so I can start to consciously design my life this way.” - Bingz Huang