Revealing The…

Showgirl Awakening Life Practice

 A Thinly Veiled Mystery School For Highly Sensitive Women Making The Journey From Frozen, Invisible & Collapsing to Embodied, Seen & Sovereign

(aka Following The Way of the Awakening Showgirl)

Mystery School is not currently open for enrollment

If you are reading this, then you are a deeply, exquisitely sensitive woman. You feel everything. You are the princess in the The Princess and The Pea story. I believe that this sensitivity – which may feel like a curse and which you may have used as your best reason to dim down, play small and not take up any space – is actually the biggest doorway to your freedom, power and expressing your own truth and beauty. 

You light up when you see the intersection of art, psyche and spirit. 

If you are reading this then, you are a woman drawn to your own emergence like a seed is drawn to the sun. It frightens you but you can’t help but reach for it anymore.

And here you are considering this program as one of the many paths available to you.

What is ‘this program’?

The Showgirl Awakening Life Practice. It is an online experiential school, a sort of soul gym for highly-sensitive women, a dojo in the Venusian Arts (the feminine expression of the Martial Arts).

My Guess Is That You’re In One Of Two Groups ..

Group #1: You’re a BIO Veteran.

Maybe you’ve been around my work for years and are in between BIOs (Burlesque from the Inside Out performance programs) and you love the idea of continuing to bask in each others’ presence in the way that we do in Showgirl Awakening circles. You have tasted the Confidence, Radiance and Aliveness possible when you allow yourself to be consciously SEEN by – and when you consciously SEE – your sisters. You may also sense there’s a lot more there to explore than we have time for when we’re focused on creating solo performances in BIO. You’d like some support in living your Embodied Intentions from BIO in specific areas of your life.

Group #2: You’re New To Showgirl Awakening.

Maybe you’ve read my book and that led you to take an intro workshop with me (like SEEN) and feel resonance with the Showgirl Awakening philosophy and practice. Maybe you are aren’t yet interested in creating or performing a burlesque solo – you’d like to marinate in the concepts and practices for a while before participating in BIO – and maybe you aren’t EVER interested in creating or performing a burlesque solo and want to go straight to directly applying the Showgirl Awakening principles to distinct areas of your life.

Whichever group you’re in – or even if you’re in neither of the aboveWelcome. I’ve created something with you in mind: The Showgirl Awakening (SGA) Life Practice (A Thinly Veiled Mystery School).

Before I tell you much more about the details, let me tell you where this offering comes from.

Since 2000, I have worked with kind, visionary, over-giving women to take the leap to go onstage and revel in their bodies, reveal themselves to their audiences and receive the audience’s, fellow performers’ – and most importantly their own – love and appreciation.

Since 2011, that’s been specifically through midwifing conscious custom burlesque solos.

Women came to me terrified (but also secretly thrilled!) to perform burlesque. They often came with zero experience. Some had never even danced. I mean at all. By the end, they had performed a conscious, custom, powerful, inspiring, fun and beautiful solo piece on a physical or Zoom stage in front of a live and loving audience.

Can you even imagine?


But, even more importantly, throughout the process of designing, rehearsing, choreographing and performing they, themselves, were transformed. 

They emerged from the shell they always knew they were in – but not how to escape or even what else might be outside it.

And so my business took on the truest name I could find for what I saw happening every time we gathered: Showgirl Awakening.

What Do I Mean By ‘Showgirl’?

My definition of a showgirl:

As I see it, rather than a showgirl being a dancer who wears fringe and feathers, she is a woman who generously reveals her unique, radiant essence – which may include her wearing fringe and feathers in a show.

And how does she reveal her radiant essence? By actually being AT HOME in her body, regardless of what she’s wearing and however she’s moving or not.

And why is it generous to reveal her radiant essence?  By being present in her body and naturally radiating her unique essence – she inspires her sisters to do the same.

For much of my life, I’ve been consciously aware that something precious lived at the intersection of  Embodied Performance Art, Psyche and Spirit.

And the women who came to learn conscious showgirl dance with me had for years been looking for psychological growth and spiritual empowerment and, even if they were a bit intimidated by it, been instinctively drawn to creative expression and performance such as dance, improv and costume-like-clothing and glitter as well as embodied movement-based practices … yet were convinced they didn’t have the necessary training, skill or guts to do it well (or to the level they could vaguely imagine would feel wonderful).

They were almost always – and to their and everyone’s immense delight – wrong about that. The looks on their faces as they walked off stage to the rousing applause of the audience said it all. 

But, this Showgirl Awakening Life Practice is not a program in which you will learn how to create your own burlesque solo. 

So why do I take the time to tell you all of this?
Because I believe that the same principles that create a satisfying, conscious burlesque act can create a satisfying, conscious life.

What are those principles? I’ll come to those later. I think you’ll love them.

Allow me to continue and see if you don’t see yourself in the stories of these women...

These Women Came To Me Sick Of:





















Over-people pleasing



Why Were They Over-everything-ing?

Because they were born highly sensitive (20% of the population is born genetically highly sensitive). 

They were born without the basic boundaries that the more hardy 80% of humans are born with.  If we highly sensitive ones are to develop those boundaries, we have to learn them, and often, before we learn how to have our own authentic boundaries, we experience traumas of various kinds, which only underscore our highly sensitive traits.

These traumas are another reason they were over-everything-ing.  And these traumas are not necessarily Boom Boom Trauma, which is more acknowledged than its sly sister, Drip Drip Trauma, which I’ll define soon, but not just yet.

Both the trait of genetic High Sensitivity AND both kinds of trauma can steer a person to over-everything-ing, as listed above.  When the HSP trait and trauma are both present, they simply compound.

But why all the ‘overing’? For two reasons: to stay safe and to belong. “If I overgive, then people will love me and I’ll be safe and belong,” is the unarticulated phrase being lived hundreds of times a day in their life. 

By the time they came to me they were feeling beyond sick of it. 

These Women Were Also...

  • Sick of over-managing (themselves, their projects and everyone else too).

  • Sick of numbing and ignoring their feelings.  An internal pressure.

  • Uncomfortable in their own skin and sick of living in their heads, mistrusting their bodies (through body dysmorphia and eating disorders and self-loathing of infinite creative varieties).

  • Tired of dimming down and shrinking.

  • Almost to a tee, over-working, over-giving, over-seeking outside validation, dressing to please or conform, and having a hard time saying ‘no’ to helping people so they feel burned out in their life

  • Unaware of the ways they were saying ‘No’ to themselves, but, again, not ‘No’ to anything or anyone else.

  • Saying ‘No’ to their own bodies, and having that often result in auto-immune illness (illness in which the body is fighting itself not knowing that the war it’s waging is against its very own tissue).

  • Feeling so deeply misunderstood by those around them. They had a lot to say, yet expressed only a small fraction of it

  • Living with a dull, pressing sense of something vital not being expressed and yet harshly judging their own creativity and self-expression and over-grooming their wildness. 

  • Over-editing, policing their own tone of voice in over-politeness and remaining frozen and mute in the face of what they desire. They often had no idea of how much they edit out.

They came to me envying other women who spoke their mind, knew what they wanted and reached for it with ease and of-course-ness.

And, maybe most importantly…

The combination of being highly sensitive and having experienced drip drip – and often boom boom – trauma brought them to my doorstep with an impaired, injured and ruptured ‘right to exist’ and ‘right to need.’ Deep down, they didn’t feel like they deserved to be alive or take up space and they didn’t deserve or have license to need anything for themselves. And they were, almost entirely, unaware of this. 

What did that look like in the real word?
Re-read the lists above and you’ll see.

What The Showgirl Awakening Approach Can Help You Do:

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve seen so many women transformed by this process.
Through this process you may also come to…

Trust yourself

Trust your body

Trust your words

Trust your instincts

Trust your needs

Trust your desires

Trust that you can survive discord (even when it feels overwhelming) 

Trust and communicate your ‘NO’ (maybe for the first time).

Feel comfortable – even powerful – in your own skin

Feel at home in – and truly land in – your own body

Melt away their shame that you exist and have needs

Take up space

Tell the truth

Embody your power

Experience your own mattering

Awaken your creativity, play + joy

Experience yourself as “just right”

Learn to genuinely enjoy being yourself

End the war with themselves and their bodies

Experience your existential shame melting away

Finally say ‘YES!’ to yourself and your own life

Cease to give a single shit about outside validation

Rewire your body and brain to run at a delicious hum

Embrace your creativity, and shine radiantly like a star

Get it – in your body – that you are nowhere near “too much”

Express feelings you’ve kept hidden for so long and feel so free 

Experience the most fun possible while shedding old fears, beliefs and patterns

Begin to experience yourself as an incarnations of the Divine Feminine
(not just read about it)

Embrace and unleash your wildness
(even when that seemed impossible)

Enjoy and revel in the company of other women
(even when you’ve spent a lifetime suspicious of and distant from them)

Dress outrageously – or demurely – to express yourself the way you wanted to because it felt good to you (not for someone else) 

Dust off the fountain of Self-Love that was hiding right in the center of your very own shimmy

Use your Sensitivity as The Biggest Doorway To Expressing Your Truth And Beauty (Rather Than Your Best Reason For Dimming Down Trying Not To Take Up Any Space or need anything (or even exist).

Create Your Life As Your Work Of Art 

Revel In Your Body

Reveal Your Radiant Essence 

Receive What You Desire

Over and over, I heard women say things like:

  • “I became free! It felt really amazing. I felt alive and reborn.”

  • “I welcomed more of my WHOLE-self into my act and daily living.”

  • “I remembered and reclaimed parts of me that had been repressed or forgotten -- parts that are sensual, joyful, trusting and creative.”  

  • “I feel supported and championed to take new risks and discover sources of energy and joy that were not previously available to me.”

  • “It feels so good to be myself.”

  • “I feel like a GODDESS.”

How could this be? 

How could creating a three to five minute burlesque performance piece lead to all these changes? 

Honestly, it continues to surprise and amaze me! And I have lots of ideas as to why, but for now, my attention is on naming why I’m offering Mystery School ;)

Why am I creating Showgirl Awakening Life Practice?

I’ve long noticed that, at the end of Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) programs, there was a longing for the container to continue; for a space and time to go further with the tools, concepts, and practices, and most of all for the way of being with, holding space for and seeing each other that happens in Showgirl Awakening circles.

These women wanted to keep working with the principles and practices we used to create their solo performances in their daily lives. They wanted to keep exploring what they were discovering in the laboratory of creating and rehearsing together.

They could see that what we were doing – and how we were doing it – could be taken off the stage and into their lives. 

Expression has been medicine for me my whole life.

The specific words I use, the tone of my voice when I use them, the clothes I wear, the specific gestures and movements I choose to make with my body – all balm, all connecting me to myself – my own sense of I AM-ness – and  also paving the way for authentic connection with others and with Life itself.  Expressing myself has not only allowed me to make this kind of life-giving connection, but also to make meaning out of Life: to interact with it, and create with it.  To learn what I need and want and feel empowered to reach for it and receive it.

In order to express in this satisfying way, I needed to be home in my body – my spirit needed to live there. And she did, for the most part, until I was 13 and experienced the shock of sexual violation, when she took a decided leave for about 20 years, and then visited periodically – especially and specifically during dance performances – for another couple decades.

When my spirit took off for the hills, she sent word to me via carrier pigeon that dance would be my most direct road to healing. If she was going to come back to me she needed me to cultivate a kind of body consciousness that she wished to return to.

I believed her.  

And so I set about taking dance classes formally for the first time. Fast forward 20 years, when, in 2000 I began to teach Carnaval showgirl troupe dance.

For years now, I’ve been known for my work in Burlesque: founder of award-winning dance troupe Hot Pink Feathers, earned Little Miss Aftershock title for my outstanding shimmy-shake at Miss Exotic World 2002, crowned Queen of Carnaval San Francisco in 2008, 5-time finalist at the Burlesque Hall of Fame (2x solo, 1x duet and 2x troupe), 5-time international burlesque festival headliner.  

I offered the first iteration of Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) in 2011. It was right after I had a big shift, got very sick and was visited by the Divine Feminine during my recovery, that Showgirl Awakening was born.  It was called Expression, Craft + Delight at first, and came to be called Burlesque from the Inside Out in 2014.  I’ve been offering it two to four times a year since, most years.

Over that time, I’ve helped to midwife over 100 burlesque solos - helping the women I work with give birth to a performance that not only captivated audiences but that felt deeply satisfying, fun and fulfilling to the women themselves (this is key).

The Three Keys That Take Designing + Performing A 3-5 Minute Burlesque Solo And Turn It Into A Life Transforming Event (And Why You Should Care Even If You Have No Intention Of Ever Doing One Yourself).

A question I’m often asked is,
“How can putting together a Burlesque performance change anything?”

In a burlesque show, there is a series of 3–5 minute acts. Three to five minutes. It’s so simple. So manageable. And this is what hooked me from the very beginning. It’s absolutely clear when it starts, how much space there is to be, and then, when it’s over. And in that space, and in that time, I get to be and feel ME. I get to be and feel me to a degree that I can actually let you feel and see me. 

For a time, there was nowhere I could reliably express my true self and be seen and belong. Then for a decade or so, I could only tolerate my own blossoming full body expression coupled with safety and belonging in the confines of a 3–5 minute burlesque act. 

It was my gym for developing this congruent, tangible self-love. 

In the decade after that, I’ve been incrementally experiencing more and more moments, minutes, hours and even days of this rapport with myself, other selves and Life itself. 

But how (and why) does it work?

It works when you create it from the inside out. Again, the work, eventually, was called Burlesque from the Inside Out (or BIO for short) and the ‘inside out’ piece is critical.

Most burlesque work doesn’t only start with the outside - that’s all it deals with.

But, years ago, I began using Burlesque as a main element in my own spiritual practice and when I started guiding women to create burlesque solos from the inside out, I saw it be a doorway into profound transformation for them as well.

I attribute the transformation to the ways that we are employing the three keys
that I call the 3Rs:

REVELING in your Body

REVEALING your Radiant Essence

RECEIVING what you Desire 

Key #1: Reveling in your Body.

In starting from the inside out, we have the occasion to thaw out and return not only our attention, but our actual whole consciousness, to live in our bodies, so we know firsthand what we’re feeling and knowing and needing and preferring. We need all this firsthand information so we can REVEL in our bodies. This means being aware of all your sensations: physical, emotional, spiritual. It means choosing to move in a way that expresses what you wish to express – what brings you pleasure.

Not faking it.
Being in your senses.
Embodying *you*.

Reveling in our bodies and our whole experience is how we begin to stop resisting that we exist.  And it can bring up a lot of stuff.  I’ve seen it bring up fear of taking up space, fear of being seen, fear of not being enough, fear of out-shining someone else, fear of being boring, fear of being misunderstood, fear of being too little, fear of being too much, fear of lacking presence and power, fear of stunningly fierce presence and power, fear of actually existing and having an impact and effect in the world. 

The list goes on. 

Key #2: Revealing your Radiant Essence.

Now that you’re in the center of yourself, feeling yourself so exquisitely, you won’t be so tempted to look outside to see what you think others want to see in you. You’ll just naturally be beaming your stardust essence. It won’t be calculated. Your gift will be your presence, granted simply by your visibility, your consent to us truly seeing you.

And it’s so much safer on many levels to offer your presence when you’re grounded in yourself, rather than mimicking. We are using burlesque not only as a vehicle for breathtaking embodied, revelatory art – akin to dance therapy – but also as a way to access the dancing mystic alive in us all, and as a tool for spiritual direction.

Key #3: Receiving what you Desire.

Once you’re allowing yourself – and any other lucky witness – to truly see you, you have set yourself up to be nourished by that gaze. It helps immensely to slow down, at least for moments, to drink in the gaze … whether it’s your own internal gaze, or that of others. A deep breath here and there also goes a long way in increasing your receptiveness. 

When these Keys are exercised and applied together, when we Revel in our Bodies while Revealing our Radiant Essences to loving witnesses skilled in the art of truly SEE-ing another human, remarkable transformations occur. 

They occur because:

Resonant Witness Heals 

When we are seen with a right hemisphere gaze that we give ourselves and we receive from our chosen witnesses, we shift from collapsing in shame at our very existence to viscerally experiencing that we matter and we make sense.

We Receive ourselves in an entirely new way, in a way in which we experience the “of-course-ness” of ourselves.

Of course, crafting a burlesque solo can ‘bring up your stuff’.

But wait … That sounds awful. All your stuff getting brought up?
It sounds like that’s not something anyone would want to do.

But, if it’s done for a loving audience, guided in specific ways to SEE each other and communicate it in a way that really lands, those same fears and issues can naturally, and without effort, resolve. They heal as a natural result from how we were practicing sharing our attention and our intentions together.

We’re only ever looking for a good mirror. 

When we are in a safe container, we defend less against others and ourselves, and our more "whole" selves naturally emerge.  

When those aspects emerge and are reflected back to us by our classmates / witnesses / audience by them speaking aloud what happened to them while they were witnessing us and the artist herself speaking aloud what happened inside her own self as she was being witnessed, a resonant field is evoked in which we alchemize ourselves into ourSelves.  All of this takes the natural healing that happens when we acknowledge what is so and what is true – on a body sensation and emotion and impression level – and exponentially expands its medicine, as we acknowledge in every direction possible what just happened.  

We are milking the shared moment for ALL the medicine possible.

And the artist then has the experience of revealing herself in a way that she may never have before. Something inside her now knows that not only will she not die, when she reveals herself in that way (I mean not only reveal her skin, also her soul and essence), but she actually gets to have more capacity to be alive and enjoy being alive.

The Great Roadblock To Reveling, Revealing and Receiving: Trauma

What prevents us, in the first place, from Reveling in our Bodies, Revealing our Radiant Essences and Receiving what we truly desire? 

The answer: trauma.

And the Drip Drip variety even more than the Boom Boom variety.

Let me define these terms:

Boom Boom Trauma vs Drip Drip Trauma

When we think of trauma, most often we’re consciously referencing boom boom trauma, rather than drip drip trauma. These terms beg definition:

  • Boom Boom Trauma is when something happens that has a date and a location. For example, my house burned down on April 2, 1992, in Seattle. Or, I was sexually assaulted on the, on the 19 of December, 2001 in Santa Rosa (both made up). It’s clear. Life was one way, something happened, and life was noticeably different afterwards. That’s boom boom.

  • Drip Drip Trauma is when every second of every day, it’s not safe to BE you. It’s very hard to track because it’s the whole forest that doesn’t see you. It’s very hard to put your finger on. It sends me, it sends us, into this really trance-y area. But it’s the trance that we don’t know we are in until we leave it. Until then, we can’t see how UNSEEN we are. 

How do our instincts become injured in this way that prevents us from seeing how unseen we are? From unacknowledged, unintegrated, untransmuted generational trauma and dis-ease/disease. 

When babies are born they love their parents – and all their ancestors, regardless of whether they know their names or not, including the most scoundrelly of them. Children tend to be the clearing house for all the pain, loss, suffering, longing, grief, terror, rage, loneliness, hopelessness, censorship and despair of those who they come from, those who came before them. And guess what the success rate is of that mission? Zero, that’s right: Zilch.

Babies have a choice: try to win a sure-to-lose battle to soothe and relieve their parents’ and ancestors’ above named medley of agony or claim their birthright to live as a fully expressed human. When we’re focused on option A – which at first we all are – we tie our hands from realizing option B. When we move towards Option B, which involves individuating not only from our immediate family, but also individuating from our ancestral lineage, it ironically is the only way we can truly honor those very ancestors and take what they have given us: Life. 

All humans have the authority, capability and right to live in rapport with Life, to fully experience and express their radiant, never-to-be-repeated, stardust essence living in a body. Claiming our right to exist and right to need is a guilty state, and we so desire to be innocent. It’s only by accepting the guilty state of existing, of needing and of desiring and living into our vision for ourselves that we ironically do honor our ancestors and honor Life.

What does creating a burlesque solo from the inside out have to do with healing intergenerational trauma? Everything. It’s one avenue, one practice that I know from my own experience and that of my mentees over the last two decades, that can provide this elusive marriage of Full Human Self Expression and Freedom, with Safety and Belonging. Being seen and mirrored on our own terms by those capable of seeing us is a key element in this movement. We begin to recognize that we do not die when we allow someone else to see our Radiant Essence, and we can allow even more of ourselves to show up.

Our Bodies Remember

Your body remembers the shame it experienced when you were shunned at five or fifteen when you gleefully showed your belly to the neighborhood on a sunny day. Your body also remembers the pain it’s trying to compost for your whole family line and the whole world. But your body also remembers who you are in your fullness. Our bodies are living blueprints of our stardust essence. And they become dis-eased and diseased when we don’t express our full nature. This dis-ease can express as autoimmune illness, as the body fighting itself. It can also express as allergies, as addictions, as insecure attachment and as thought, mood or eating “disorders.”

This is especially true for highly sensitive persons, who are even more acutely, explicitly and specifically aware of feeling the pain of their families, both living and deceased, and the pain of all humans, both living and deceased. Our sensitive bodies feel and sense EVERYTHING.

Discerning our own sensations, emotions and experience as distinct from others is key to creating from the inside out.

Who am I to run a thinly veiled mystery school anyway? 

I’ve become well known for the Burlesque from the Inside Out (BIO) work but...

What is less known about me is the amount of time (and money) I’ve spent learning from other teachers who are leaders in the field of how humans actually work, how they genuinely change, heal from trauma and create what they desire.

What is less known is that BIO is the culmination of the 20+ years of practice not only of dance, art and conscious burlesque, but simmered together with all of the following work with organizations that I consider to be, themselves, thinly veiled mystery schools.


Notable among them (but non-exhaustive):

  • I had the great privilege of sitting in year-long circle twice with cultural anthropologist, educator and wisdom keeper, Angeles Arrien.  She’s best known for her work described in the book, The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Healer, Teacher, Visionary. Angeles respectfully synthesized indigenous and perennial wisdom practices from around the world to become accessible for folks not born into them. It was from my first vision quest in Angeles’ fold that I was given confirmation of my life path as an artist.  She also introduced me to touching the deep Mystery through tarot via The Tarot Handbook:  Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols.


  • Apprenticing with Jessica Murray of Mothersky, astrologer, writer and cultural commentator, 25 years ago gave me solid underpinnings in a grounded esotericism.  I learned from Jessica not predictive astrology, but rather how to decode the archetypes of the stars as way to see deeper into the Mystery of exactly who a person is – and who they are evolving to be – at this exact moment in history, so that they can respond with their whole selves in the world in the most meaningful way.  


  • Participating in the first ever InterPlay Leadership Program in the mid to late ‘90’s brought my mind, body and spirit together in a way that allowed me to shift my focus from my weaknesses and embrace and lead with my strengths and PLAY with my strengths, a shift I am so delighted to share with others now in the solo + life creation process.  The improvisational movement storytelling that I learned to practice and lead through InterPlay’s founders, Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter, influence my leadership in untold ways.  Their concepts of Body Intellectual and the Physicality of Grace allow me to access my own body’s wisdom, and facilitate others’ accessing theirs all the time.


  • I could not be more grateful discovering Ane Axford of Sensitive Leadership in 2011. Learning about Ane’s proposal that Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is reversed for Highly Sensitive Persons blew my mind and tracked SO well with my experience. I had heard the terms “HSP” and Highly Sensitive Person before I was introduced to Ane and her work, but it was through Ane that it came to life for me. Ane’s practical perspective and wisdom, her ability to articulate what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person, her deep listening and reflecting me back to me helped me develop my own leadership, sourced from the very center of myself.


  • My immersion in Sonya Sophia’s School of Living Arts in 2011 (and 2012 and 2013) woke me up like few experiences have in my life.  Sonya teaches much more than Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in her EFT intensives. She has a whole cosmology and dedication to healing all child abuse and healing the war between the sexes while she’s alive, and I was one of the healing agents she trained to participate alongside her in this grand mission!  EFT remains the quickest way I know to change someone’s experience. She set me up perfectly to begin my studies with NLP Marin the next year, as NLP Marin taught me how to help facilitate change when the state just won’t budge. 


  • If any of you missed out when the handbook on How To Be A Human Being was being passed out at conception or birth, you’re in luck!  It’s being taught at NLP Marin – a mystery school in its own right – by Carl Buccheit and Carla Camou.  It’s a world-class school – even galaxy-class! My ability to SEE myself and others is in large part due to the unlearning and relearning of how to be human that I gathered working with these two luminaries! My rapport with myself, others and Life itself – terms native to NLP Marin –  has grown exponentially since engaging their body of work as a student and teaching assistant.  I’m so delighted to pass this level of rapport on to you through the stance I’ve learned from them.


  • If there was only one single transformation modality that I could use in addition to conscious dance and movement for the rest of my life, it would hands down be Systemic and Family Constellations.  Top among my Constellations mentors are Carl Buccheit, Carla Camou, Elena Veselago, Michelle Masters and  Sarah Peyton.  Learning to work in the Field – which is the quantum and physical place where constellations happen – from these wise and visionary teachers, has allowed me much more direct access to acknowledge the unspoken and unseen – until now – and the hidden suffering and obligations of love (or not so hidden, as is usually the case!) so I can help facilitate the change and healing in the most painful human predicaments. Constellations touch the heart of the Mystery and allow me – and us – to work with Her.


  • Working with Sarah Peyton of Empathy Brain has expanded my ability to offer tenderness and compassion to myself and others.  Her approach of applying interpersonal neurobiology in a practical sense rests on her knowing that the path to healing our brains is to greet our bodies with resonance.  I understand how to effectively work with the development of secure attachment and the genesis of true connection – both within and between humans – from time spent in Sarah’s classes, retreats and field.


  • What could marketing have to do with a Mystery School, I hear you ask? Well, if it’s Marketing for Hippies, the brainchild – and heartchild – of good human Tad Hargrave, marketing goes hand-in-hand with transparency, integrity, depth, all couched in clear articulation. Before meeting Tad, I had spent a lot of blood, sweat and tears on my own trying to articulate the transformations happening through this unexpected work, to no avail. I can't say there were no more tears – or blood ... or sweat – but Tad did help me articulate my point of view in a way that both helps me understand better what I believe, and truly resonates with those I'm destined to work with. There are no words to express my gratitude.

  • It’s with great joy that I come to thank Sarah K Jones, graphic designer and creatrix of The Healing Archetypes. Sarah K truly works at the intersection of the mystical and the practical. I am still digesting what a pleasure and joy it's been to work with Sarah K in multiple capacities! I've been a student of the Healing Archetypes, and Sarah K is the designer the Showgirl Awakening oracle and learning card deck. She's also the designer of my first book: How To Create A Burlesque Solo ... From The Inside Out. The creation of this website – including its luscious branding – is by far the deepest dive we've taken together. This is more than a website; It’s truly a portal to the soul of this business and me as its human spaceholder.

So What Is This Showgirl Awakening Life Practice? 

At its heart, it’s your chance to practice the Venusian Arts – as conceived through Showgirl Awakening – to individuate.

Individuate? What does this mean? It means sometime like, “to become an individual” or “to become your own self” or “to emerge into your life without getting trapped in somatic, psychological or spiritual bypassing”.

It means “to become real”.


One of the most important shifts that we’re up to in Showgirl Awakening Life Practice is shifting from living from the outside in to living from the inside out.

We do this by living the 3Rs, the 3 Pillars of Showgirl Awakening: REVEL, REVEAL and RECEIVE.


More specifically: REVELING in your body, REVEALING your Radiant Essence and RECEIVING what you truly desire.


The practice of REVELING in our bodies brings us directly into our embodied experience, into our own senses and emotions.  Many of us HSP’s live so far from our bodies, are operating from a place where we’re embodying and trying to compost the experience of so many other people, both living and dead, that coming home to our bodies is a necessary starting point in our somatic/psychological/spiritual journey to awakening to ourselves.  We may be able to report in stunning detail the experience of the people around us, but less in touch with our own abandoned bodies and frozen or otherwise alarmed nervous systems.


As we consciously arrive in our bodies, we then have the ability to share ourselves – our unique selves.  We begin to practice REVEALING our Radiant Essence.


As we begin to be SEEN as the radiant essences – the souls incarnate that we are – we incrementally begin to RECEIVE ourselves through our growing receptivity to our own existence.


To give you a visual sense of how REVELING and REVEALING and RECEIVING express themselves in this work, and relate to the Archetypes and the Movements and Frames, etc, take a look at this map of the territory and cosmology of Showgirl Awakening ::

The outermost ring of the mandala is the frames.  They are SO key to Showgirl Awakening, that I will briefly name them here.

So, what is a Frame?

A “frame” as I use the term here is literally a way of seeing the world.  Each of the 12 frames of Showgirl Awakening are like a pair of glasses you put on to see the world through that lens.  These are ultra powerful lenses that help us understand on both an intellectual level, and equally or more importantly a felt-sense level – an embodied level – what has been so tricky about being ourselves.  And more than just understanding on any level, the way we approach these frames through Showgirl Awakening Life Practice, we begin to live them, to reorient ourselves from the ground up, to live our true and unique radiant essences through our bodies, relationships and whole lives.

The 12 Frames of Showgirl Awakening:

1. Sensitive vs Hardy

Our world is geared for the 80% of the human population that is wired with hardier boundaries and sense of self than the remaining 20% genetically highly sensitive among us.  When we learn to respect our sensitivity and employ it as our superpower, rather than something we need to overcome, we begin to stand in the center of ourselves and be able to both receive and give the gift of ourselves, rather than try to pay for our existence by making ourselves as elastic as possible to please others.


2. Collapsing vs Posturing

As highly sensitive folks, we are acutely aware when someone is Posturing – when they are taking up space in a way that eclipses others – and we’re so afraid of doing that that we can overcompensate by taking ourselves completely out of the center of ourselves by Collapsing into shame.  Turns out that us collapsing doesn’t help anything, and only complicates the matter.  And it’s also not that obvious how to stop, and cultivate a way of staying in the center of ourselves. Showgirl Awakening practice is one such way.


3. Drip Drip Trauma vs Boom Boom Trauma

For definitions of these two types of trauma scroll above to the The Great Roadblock To Reveling, Revealing and Receiving: Trauma section. As we begin to exit our trances, and identify and care for our Drip Drip Trauma, our lives begin to ....  well, come to life!


4. Pleasure + Play vs Reward + Punishment

We learn the rules of Belonging at play in our family and clan very, very early early in our lives.  And since our families and clans are peopled by humans, we learn to avoid being guilty – when possible – and to reach for innocence, as much as possible, to reinforce our Belonging.  This causes no end of pain.  In Showgirl Awakening, we delicately and with utmost care turn our attention to the conundrum of being human – with its competing needs for both Safety and Belonging AND Full Expression of Self (whose idea was it to design humans this way??).  But rather than try to reaffirm our innocence – hoping for the reward of Belonging, or at least the absence of punishment – through ‘getting it right’ (whatever “it” is), we use play and pleasure as our means of developing our Well-Being, which is the greatest gift we have to give to the world.  It’s where our true service can begin.  The more we can revel in our own bodies and creativity, reveal ourselves and reach for what we desire in life, the higher our tolerance is for own our pleasure and play. It seems that in general, especially for HSPs, our play and pleasure muscles need much more exercise.

We do not live in a rewarding or punishing universe; we live in a mirroring universe.


5. Subject vs Object

Just like in a sentence in English, where you find a subject and an object, we can be either a subject or object in our lives.  Often, until we have discovered our own edges and boundaries – where we begin and end – we are by default the object, and acted on and used, by our own inadvertent design.  In Showgirl Awakening, we strengthen our sense of self, our alive sense of our own “I AM”-ness, thereby occupying the space of subject in our sentences, and our own lives.


6. Right Brain vs Left Brain

We live in a decidedly Left hemisphere-shifted world – more precisely stated: an instrumental hemisphere-shifted world.  You could say that much of Western culture, in any case, is suffering from avoidant attachment. We need both our instrumental AND relational hemispheres alive and well and working interdependently to live from the center of ourselves and live as sovereign, embodied, compassionate, creative women.  This means experiencing ourselves as both differentiated AND linked to each other.  We practice this right, left and center (no pun intended! HA!) through Showgirl Awakening.


7. Rebelling vs Submitting

Rebelling and Submitting are 2 sides of an equally toxic coin. When we are acting through rebellion, we’re asserting and expressing what we are not, who we are not, and maybe even who we are flipping off, instead of expressing who we ARE.  By submission, I mean caving into the desires or demands of whoever is the Other, because you think will create harmony for all.  Neither stance encourages health in a system, rather both, by default allow the reigning system of oppression to solidify and perpetuate.  We practice the middle way of the Awakening Showgirl, in which we generously reveal our radiant essences to each other, in service of us all contributing to rich collaboration and complex systems of camaraderie and mutual support that celebrates both our similarities and our differences.


8. Special vs Not Special

HSPs are taught through so many channels – family, school, society, media, etc – to tone it down, feel less, take up less space, be less visible, be less sensitive, be LESS, BE less.  To tone down our “Specialness.”  Couple this with how aware we are of the needs, feelings, desires of others – often we’re much more intensely aware of others’ states than our own – and you have a recipe for a lot of heartache and autoimmune illness and painful attachment experiences.  We can easily mistake someone else’s experience for our own.  And thereby miss consciously responding to our own experience.  We care so much.  About the state of the world.  Our fellow humans.  Our mama earth. All the inhabitants of mama earth, including animals and plants … all of it!

And what I’ve noticed is that until we come to terms with and acknowledge and embody and ultimately savor and design our own lives around the individual Specialness of our unique selves, we can’t genuinely show up for all we care about.


9. Immancence vs Transcendence

So many established spiritual traditions that are still practiced today emphasize transcending the body, rising up into pure spirit, rising above the mess of feelings and needs and interpersonal nuances.  These practices favor getting free of our messy interconnectedness with each other and all that dies.  There is a striving for some sort of neutral peace. Immanence is the less spoken of, on purpose descent INTO the body, into our dense and specific human experience.  As HSPs – unlike our hardier counterparts who start in the physical and slowly make their way up to the transcendent – we begin in the transcendent, and can never not know it.  It is our journey as HSPs to slowly incarnate fully, and arrive in the most physical way we can, so we can bring to our actual lives the visions and dreams we arrive on earth swimming in.  In whatever messy way they show up!


10. Systemic vs Singular

We live in a vast and complex web of relationship, with all of creation, including the living and the dead, and unspoken but airtight vows we don’t even know we ever made. Try as we might, we are *not* like silos, purely independent.  And we are not served by collapsing into dependency.  We are interdependent, intra-psychically within our own brains and bodies, inter-personsonally between individuals, and inter-socially between groups and inter-specially between species, the list goes on.  Paradoxically, the more we truly individuate, the more we can participate in the complex ecosystem faced by navigating as a human among humans on earth.  When we have healthy and appropriately permeable boundaries, we are responding authentically and fluidly to all the systems of which we are a part, making choices and reaching for what we truly desire along the way.

11. Creating vs Fixing

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12. Magic vs Mysticism

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The Showgirl Awakening Life Practice (aka thinly veiled mystery school) feels like the most nourishing thing I've probably ever come across. So many things that I've done before have helped prepare me for this. I've done EFT for a really long time, and been exposed to constellation work and shamanism and a lot of Feminine Empowerment kind of stuff, lots of dance. I feel like this is so potently bringing all of these separate things together. And also the sisterly community. My experience of having my sweetness ensconced in a way that it can really gently blossom is nourishing me on a really deep level. - Amy P

In my 30 years as a practitioner of healing, I have found it’s rare that individuals synthesize ancient wisdom in truly new and inspiring ways, but Kellita's work, through Showgirl Awakening, does exactly that so beautifully. I'm nourished by the way she shares her deepest insights, gained from all of her very rich experiences, and shares them with us in a way that is so light, so playful and so resonant that she makes it really easy for us to access the potential in us that she can see and is leading us towards. Radiant work Kellita. Thank you so much.

- Jenny S

There’s so much I enjoy about SGA Mystery School. I enjoy the exercises, that we can take it at our own pace, the level of engagement we have as a group, the psychosocial drama therapy elements, how the dancing both brings stuff up and helps to process and integrate it. Above all, I trust you, Kellita, and the process you evoke. I like the safety of the space you create and I really like that it is in a group with other women willing to really show up. - Fatima M

I’ve never been this happy in my life.  - Tova M

The mystery school is a place where whatever is going on for you will not only be acknowledged but welcomed!  I have never known any other space where I can turn up and say exactly what is on my mind, and no one tries to fix it, or tell me I shouldn't feel that way, but instead I am received exactly as I am.  From that place of pure acceptance a true freedom arises.  It's difficult to capture in words, it truly has to be felt for yourself. - Suzanne C

This whole process is so much more than I ever imagined. 
My breakdown was a breakthrough- Joey B

I want to name the embodied experience of the circle and the support in being in our authenticity and how I experience this. How I experience just being seen and witnessed. It’s been really potent. There’s an alchemy in this Mystery School that I have trouble describing, and that I so appreciate. - Sandra V

It’s like a decolonization for your eyes. The world has taught us to look at things from a particular lens, and this is the antidote to that lens. So much of our lives we have been gaslit, sometimes to the point where we think to ourselves ‘the experience that I feel, do I even feel it? Is it really mine?’. Kellita's work is the antidote to gaslighting, it is learning how to self-trust, to take off those glasses of judgment and misguided perfectionism, and learn how to see yourself and others, anew. It's a life-altering playground to explore new states of being, to make choices about them, and to include them when and as we would like -- it's the alchemy of experience. - Lady V

Mystery School is currently not open for enrollment.


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